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Nisarg Saavli

This project caters to the landscape needs of the site of Ratnagiri. The aim was to design the site with landscape elements. The site had contours that created large and steep slopes at places. The site was occupied by a weekend home for a family of six. Each family member had different requirements for their comfort and activities from the site. The project tried to cater to their requirements by making interesting quirks on the site.
The trees were retained which were already on the site. The main typology used on the site was plantation which encompassed a larger area and also made the area below and between them cozy spaces to relax and recreate. The shrubs were used to make a smaller gardening area for grandparents and shallow dip in the land made the floating experience for them. Lawn typology made a flat patch of ground for physical activities and it was surrounded by a jogging path with pergolas covering the whole periphery. The steep slope was used to make an amphitheater for the dance performance. Small architectural elements were added to make open workspace merge with nature. This project catered to the requirement of users and divided the whole site into different individual spaces through grid and axis playing with land and contours.

Shrideep Kshirsagar

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