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Daylight in Architecture

Daylight is an element which is constantly changing, that's why it can't be controlled . Thus it is one of the important factors to consider while designing a space.The quality of light depends on the way the light is falling on the object and not by the quantity and intensity of light. It also depends whether the light falling on the object is direct or diffused in nature as the nature of shadows formed are different. The Light is of decisive importance in experiencing architecture. The form can be made to give different spatial impressions by simply changing the size and location of its opening.
Daylight is a highly cost-effective means of reducing the energy for electrical lighting and cooling. The aspect of daylight not only reduces cost and saves energy but also creates different spaces according to the use of light.It is a very effective means to save resources, creating sustainable built forms which adopt the passive design strategy of lighting themselves up.Daylight creates the right amount of atmosphere by providing light which is not white nor ambient yellow but the most comfortable , median of these two.Daylights in a way affects how we use a certain place. A space with a large amount of light and a space with less but soothing light is used for different purposes.We all need to make sure that the aspect of daylight should be considered right from urban planning. Every building in the city should be planned earlier to ensure that people receive daylight as their source of light and heat as well as views where and when they want it.
So basically daylight is a very essential factor that governs the space allowing the exhibition of form volume ,colour ,function etc of the space,and hence helps the designer in creating forms which work entirely on natural lighting thus saving tons of energy and also cost saving projects.

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