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Steel as a material and its alternatives

Durability, Easy Installation and Speed in Construction, Versatile, Flexibility, Ductility, Fire Resistance, Pest and Insect Resistant, Moisture and Weather Resistance
Steel has structural advantages and limitations too like Steel Framed Structures can be used for high rise buildings because of its strength and can be used for longer spans. Susceptible to corrosion, In high temperatures, steel loses its properties. As the length of the steel column increases the chances of buckling also increases.There are 3,500 different grades of steel with many different physical, chemical, and environmental properties.Steel has a carbon footprint of 1.8 TONNES OF CO2/TONNE.
Average cost steel as a material 250 ₹ PER KGSteel as material is easily available.Steel construction requires skilled labourers welding and bolting knowledge. It is a recyclable material. Raw materials used to make steel are iron ore, carbon, coke, limestone, silicon. Steel has a tensile strength of 370N/mm2 and a density of 7.82kg/cubic metre. Steel has a lifespan of 35 years and is used in transportation , industrial equipment.

Carbon fiber is five-times stronger than steel and twice as stiff, lighter & has high load bearing capacity. Carbon Fiber has good Tensile Strength, Fire Resistance/Non Flammable.carbon fibre used in aerospace , motorcars and in watersport.Missiles, aircraft brakes, aerospace antenna.pickup arms, robot arms.Carbon fibre once cracked or dint cannot be fixed like steel.There are four different grades : standard, intermediate, high, and ultra-high modulus.Sizes available customisation and order placement is requires high machine labour while making carbon fibre strand/sheets.raw materials -The raw material precursor. 90%-from polyacrylonitrile (PAN).The remaining 10% -fromrayon or petroleum pitch.selection over steel - hardness,light weight,can be moulded into any shape,long life span with very high rigidity.

Stronger than steel in regards to the tensile strength. Tensile strength of 28,000 pounds.Bamboo is known for its strength and hence is used for making tensile structures with maximum height of 8 floors. Sizes available 6 metre to 15 metre. It is not structurally feasible for high rise buildings. It degrades on contact with water but the life span of steel is more than bamboo if maintained properly. Grade A, grade B and grade C. Each grade corresponds to quality, connected to the age of the cane when it is cut. differences in colours, prominent knots etc.every square meter of bamboo can absorb 267,2 kilos of CO2. it varies from 60 ₹ to 100 ₹ per piece. bamboo can't be reused/recycled & is a fast growing biodegradable material.Tensile Strength - 390N/mm2 Density- 1160 kg/cubic metre.Requires Perform MaintenanceChecks & make Minor Repairs.Very Fast as it can be planned & assembled on site.

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